Thursday, January 24, 2019

Sunflower-seeds -The World's - Foods

Sunflower-seeds -The World's - Foods


Promotes Cardiovascular Health

Sunflower seeds contains two nutrients that promote cardiovascular health-vitamin E and folate.

A quarter cup serving of sunflower seeds contains over 60% of the daily value of vitamin E.This essential vitamin performs important antioxidant function and balanced levels of vitamin E have been linked lower overall reduced risk of early death from cardiovascular diseases.Vitamin E helps neutralize free radicals to protect brain health and cell membranes against redness and swelling.Make no mistake about the benefits of vitamin E it has been linked to protection from more than one serious risk.

Additionally folate has  been shown to promote cardiovascular health from birth to old age.It metabolizes homocysteine,an indicator of cardiovascular problem,into methionine,an essential ammino amino acid.Folate and essential fatty acids naturally occur in sunflower seeds and have been associated with cardiovascular health.

Phytosterols Promote Health Cholesterol Levels

Sunflower-seeds -The World's - Foods

Sunflower seeds contain a high level of phytosterols .These phytosterols have physical properties similar to cholesterol;more than once ,research has linked them to supporting healthy cholesterol levels.

Potent Source of Magnesium

Magnesium deficiency can lead to a variety of health problems that affect the cardiovascular ,nervous,and immune system.The muscles and skeletal system also require magnesium for proper function.Homeopathic practitioners have long used magnesium to promote respiratory function,heart health ,and reduced PMS tension.

And a quarter cup serving of sunflower seeds provides more than 25% of the recommended daily value of magnesium.That's protection for your brain ,heart,muscles,and more.

Supports a Healthy Mood

There's added bonus to the magnesium in sunflower seed,it promote a healthy mood.Over one
hundred years ago,magnesium sulfate given to a patients suffering from depression. Its success,as well as safety ,made it valuable option.Today magnesium plays an essential role in homeopathic therapies for mental health.

Contains Selenium:A powerful Antioxidant and Great For Thyroid Health

Sunflower seeds contains selenium,as an essential nutrient.Studies have found it plays a role in antioxidant function and help to reduce redness and swelling in the body.It also has recently been identified for its critical role in the thyroid hormone metabolism.Selenium has also been noted for its ability to encourage DNA repair in damage cells.

The Best Way to Eat Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are a great snack but it's important to keep it healthy.Many of the available everywhere varieties are roasted and loaded with high-sodium flavoring.There are also probably not organic or GMO-free-two things you want to look for.I'd also recommended you give sunflower butter a try,similar to peanut butter,it's available some grocery stores,it's not hard to make,and it's delicious.


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